"ID", "NameValue", "CodeValue", "ExchangeTypeValue", 6, "invalid"
"ID2", "NameValue2", "CodeValue2", "ExchangeTypeValue2", 6, "invalid"
ResultTransfer主要用于对IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>>结构的解析,另外还可以指定params string[] propertyNames属性参数列表来确定解析顺序(也即是属性顺序),主要方法如下:
public static IList<T> Parse<T>(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>> entityRows, params string[] propertyNames) where T : new()
public static IListParse (IEnumerable > entityRows, params string[] propertyNames) where T : new() { if (entityRows == null || entityRows.Count() == 0) { return new List (); } IList entities = new List (); var members = new DataMemberAttributeCollection(typeof(T), propertyNames); if (members.Count <= 1) { return new List (); } FuncProvider funcProvider = new FuncProvider(); foreach (var propertyValues in entityRows) { if (propertyValues == null || propertyValues.Count() == 0) { continue; } entities.Add(Generate (propertyValues, members, funcProvider)); } return entities; } private static T Generate (IEnumerable propertyValues, DataMemberAttributeCollection members, FuncProvider funcProvider) where T : new() { T entity = Activator.CreateInstance (); int memberCount = members.Count; int propertyCount = propertyValues.Count(); if (memberCount == 0 || propertyCount == 0) { return entity; } int convertCount = Math.Min(memberCount, propertyCount); DataMemberAttribute currAttribute; PropertyInfo currPropertyInfo; int propertyValueIndex = 0; foreach (string propertyValue in propertyValues) { if (propertyValueIndex >= convertCount) { break; } propertyValueIndex++; currAttribute = members[propertyValueIndex - 1]; currPropertyInfo = currAttribute.PropertyInfo; if (propertyValue == null) { currPropertyInfo.SetValue(entity, null, null); continue; } if (propertyValue.GetType() == currAttribute.PropertyType) { currPropertyInfo.SetValue(entity, propertyValue, null); } else { object result = funcProvider.DynamicInvoke(currAttribute.PropertyType, (propertyValue ?? string.Empty).ToString()); currPropertyInfo.SetValue(entity, result, null); } } return entity; }
DataMemberAttributeCollection集合类主要用于设置解析属性的顺序,同样,该类提供二个参数的构造函数用于生成相应的配置信息public DataMemberAttributeCollection(Type type, params string[] propertyNames)。
public void GetConfiguration(Type type, params string[] propertyNames) { if (type == null || type.GetProperties().Length <= 0) { return; } if (propertyNames == null || propertyNames.Length == 0) { AddAllDataMemberAttributes(type); } else { AddDataMemberAttributes(type, propertyNames); } this._memberAttributes = this._memberAttributes.OrderBy(p => p.Order).ToList(); } private void AddDataMemberAttributes(Type type, string[] propertyNames) { IListvalidPropertyInfos = new List (); PropertyInfo tempPropertyInfo; foreach (string propertyName in propertyNames) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName)) { continue; } tempPropertyInfo = type.GetProperty(propertyName.Trim()); if (tempPropertyInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(@"Contains Invalid Property Name Arg : {0}.", propertyName.Trim())); } validPropertyInfos.Add(tempPropertyInfo); } if (validPropertyInfos.Count() > 0) { foreach (var property in validPropertyInfos) { AddAttributes(new DataMemberAttribute(), property); } } } private void AddAllDataMemberAttributes(Type type) { DataMemberAttribute attr = null; foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in type.GetProperties()) { attr = AttributeUtility.GetCustomAttribute (propertyInfo); if (attr == null) { continue; } if (!attr.IsRequire) { continue; } if (this._memberAttributes.Count(p => p.Order == attr.Order) > 0) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(@"Contains Same Order {0}.Please Look Up DataMemberAttribute Of The Type {1}", attr.Order, type.Name)); } AddAttributes(attr, propertyInfo); } } private void AddAttributes(DataMemberAttribute attr, PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attr.Name)) { attr.Name = propertyInfo.Name; } attr.PropertyName = propertyInfo.Name; attr.PropertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; attr.PropertyInfo = propertyInfo; this._memberAttributes.Add(attr); }
[TestMethod()] public void ParseTest() { IList> entityRows = new List >(); entityRows.Add(new List () { "3", "NameValue", "CodeValue", "ExchangeTypeValue", "6", "invalid" }); var contracts = ResultTransfer.Parse (entityRows); Assert.IsNotNull(contracts); Assert.IsTrue(contracts.Count == 1); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].Code, "CodeValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].Name, "NameValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].ExchangeType, "ExchangeTypeValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].OrgidID, 3); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].ExchangeTypeValue, 6); }
[TestMethod()] public void ParseWithInvalidArgTest() { IList> entityRows = new List >(); entityRows.Add(new List () { "sss", "NameValue", "CodeValue", "ExchangeTypeValue", "6", "invalid" }); var contracts = ResultTransfer.Parse (entityRows); Assert.IsNotNull(contracts); Assert.IsTrue(contracts.Count == 1); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].Code, "CodeValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].Name, "NameValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].ExchangeType, "ExchangeTypeValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].OrgidID, 0); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].ExchangeTypeValue, 6); }
[TestMethod()] public void ParseWithArgTest() { IList> entityRows = new List >(); entityRows.Add(new List () { "3", "NameValue", "ExchangeTypeValue", "6", "invalid" }); var propertyNames = new List () { "ExchangeTypeValue", "Name", "", "ExchangeType" }; var contracts = ResultTransfer.Parse (entityRows, propertyNames.ToArray()); Assert.IsNotNull(contracts); Assert.IsTrue(contracts.Count == 1); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].Code, null); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].Name, "NameValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].ExchangeType, "ExchangeTypeValue"); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].OrgidID, 0); Assert.AreEqual(contracts[0].ExchangeTypeValue, 3); }